Monday, September 30, 2019

A Visit to a Famous City

A few months ago my father and I visited Singapore, one of the most famous cities in Asia. Singapore, a small island, lies at the southern and of West Malaysia. A long and narrow piece of land joins Singapore with Johore Hahru, the southern-most town of West Malaysia. Singapore is now an independent state. The city of Singapore is extremely beautiful. It is well known for its centers of business and other activities. There are many places of interest such as the Tiger Balm Garden, the Botanical Gardens and Raffles Museum.There are also many important centers of learning such as the University of Singapore, Science Centre, the Nanyang University and the Polytechnic. Being a famous city, hundreds of people come everyday from various parts of the world to do business or to enjoy the sights of the city. Singapore therefore has large and beautiful airports and its harbors are full of ships. There are many night schools where people who cannot go to the day schools for some reason or other can continue their studies. And, the government of Singapore is still doing its best to make further improvements in the city for the benefit of the people.During my stay in Singapore, I went out everyday with my father to see the beautiful and interesting places and things in the city. One day we went to the Tiger Balm Garden where I saw several statues of people, animals and other strange creature beautifully made and kept. The sea near this garden makes it a pleasant place to visit. We spent almost half of the day at this place. Another day we visited the museum where I saw hundreds of curious things preserved for scholars and others. It was indeed an education to see all those things.There is so much to learn here that every visit by any person is sure to add to his knowledge. I also visited some of the harbors and saw the large ships anchored there. The sight of the ships aroused a desire in me to cross the oceans and go round the world. I was indeed deeply impressed by activi ties at the harbor. Then every night, I went round the town and visited some of the parks and other places of interest. The numerous lights and the constant stream of traffic kept the city alive. I visited a few of the cinemas as well. In short, I enjoyed every moment of my stay in this famous city of Singapore.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Debate of Proposition 8

Should sexual preference determine marriages? This is the ongoing debate our generation will have to address. California has been in the epicenters of this debate; as we witnessed voters oppose gay marriage in the elections of 2008. The success of Proposition 8 discriminated against those of homosexual orientation. Proposition 8 adjusted California’s marriage laws to prevent a change in language, favoring the majority of heterosexual America. As California’s constitution in article 1, section 7. reads, â€Å"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California† (California Marriage Protection Act). This perception of marriage adopted to be law is built upon gender identity ideals that men and women have to fulfill. Women are to marry that of the opposite gender and sex. Accordingly, the language used to describe marriage was contorted by gender ideals in the fight for Proposition 8. Those for Proposition 8 argued it would restore the defin ition of marriage. From this perspective, marriage is seen as a tradition that is natural and immutable. To the contrary, the argument against Proposition 8 states, â€Å"OUR CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION—the law of our land—SHOULD GUARANTEE THE SAME FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS TO EVERYONE—NO ONE group SHOULD be singled out to BE TREATED DIFFERENTLY† (Official California Legislative Information). Marriage is a right that cannot be exercised by all due to sexual preference. Gay and lesbians are discriminated based on societies resistance to amend the definition of marriage past sexual preference. Additionally, the language used to describe marriage and the roles of individuals, is a major outlining factor behind the issue itself. Analyzing the language used in both arguments allows us to delve further into this question and expose why Proposition 8 should have been abolished. Proposition 8 is simply a resistance to change in language in how we come to define marriage. â€Å"Typically, language changes as a result of social political and economic processes such as lifestyle changes, new experiences, counters with technologies and communication media, colonization, or migration† (Litosseliti 19). Although political action may try to slow down this historical ongoing change in language, just as the world changes, so will the language. Marriage will eventually cease to be defined by the standards of sexual preference. In such, the argument against Proposition 8 holds more validity than those in favor of it. Those opposed to Proposition 8 rely on California’s constitution promise for equal rights and freedom to every person, gays included. This allowed those opposed to use powerful words associated with civil rights such as, equality, dignity, freedom, and respect. These are portrayed to the audience from a gay language lending more of feminine like characteristics of care, nurture, and support. This gay language serves a purpose in relaying the message to oppose Proposition 8. As scholar Don Kulick believes, â€Å"†¦homosexual slang serves communicative functions, the most important of which is to ‘reinforce group cohesiveness and reflect common interests, problems, and needs of the population’ (Sonenschein 1969:289)† (Kulick 250). They used the gay slang as to draw attention from all gay and lesbians to feel connected. They refer to themselves as the â€Å"gay community†. This self maintained identity allows them to reach out to all gays and lesbians. For instance, there is a great example in YouTube, where the protest against Proposition 8 continues. In their advertisement they are promoting the Eve of Justice March for gay rights. In the video words displayed are â€Å"if you believe†¦Ã¢â‚¬  followed by the alternating words such as life, happiness, kindness, beauty, compassion, and love. These words of sentiment and support are a prime example of the gay language inducing activism throughout the gay community. â€Å"In constructing particular subject positions for the readers or viewers, advertisements play a role in constituting identities† (Litosseliti 108). The gay language so to speak allows them to create a desired identity for the gay community, which allows them to mobilize themselves within their civil rights movement. Additionally, the gay community has maintained a similar identity to heterosexual relationships on what role individuals play in a marriage. They believe in the similar manner as to what is expected out of a relationship. For instance in the official voters guide an example of daily interaction between spouses is descript as if to show they are not much different than a heterosexual marriage. The guide postulates, â€Å"When you’re married and your spouse is sick or hurt, there is no confusion: you get into the ambulance or hospital room with no questions asked. IN EVERYDAY LIFE, AND ESPECIALLY IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS, DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS ARE SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH† (Official California Legislative Information). The gay community displays the similarity of marriage interaction in daily life is the same as any other marriage would be. Marriage roles are portrayed to be similar, and the situation presented above uses words such as, hurt and sick. This invokes the audience to relate to the situation presented of care and nurture for one’s spouse. Although, there are some differences in the expected roles in a marriage, for only a single gender identity is shared between the spouses. For instance, in the role of a wedding usually both partners wear the traditional clothing used for their sex. Lesbians dress in wedding dress attire as the gay men wear the traditional suit. This infers that in a gay marriage their roles are different than that of traditional couples. It objectifies the image of two masculine or feminine figures in a relationship, demonstrating marriage is about love, and not fulfilling prescribed gender roles. The symbolic meaning of commitment is also displayed through the exchange of wedding bands. The gay community’s ideals on marriage are centered more around love than sexuality. Gays use this traditional wedding practice as a way to explicate the language of love, and equality in marriage. To the contrary, those in favor of Proposition 8 argue the need to restore the definition of marriage for the sake of protecting the children. They argue that marriage itself is traditional and the meaning needs to be reallocated for sexual preference. The argument is made that domestic partnerships give all the same rights as a marriage just the title is different. Further, the language used to describe gay marriage is severely negative. Gay marriages are described as â€Å"same-sex marriages† for the sole purpose of pointing out the sexuality of the marriage. We can distinguish this in the arguments presented that our children are to be protected from. The voter’s guide reads â€Å"It protects our children from being taught in public schools that ‘same-sex marriage’ is the same as traditional marriage† (Official California Legislative Information). The argument uses strong words such as protect and traditional as if gay marriage were a threat to our society. Those in favor of Proposition 8 question why they should have to deal with gay marriages when raising children. As I recall there was an advertisement on television during election warning people about societal issues our children will have to deal with. The commercial demonstrated a hild’s confusion as to why she had 2 daddies, yet mommies were the ones who made the babies. The child’s confusion of marriage sexual identities promotes gay marriage as a social issue in raising kids. Those in favor of Proposition 8 claim that gays are putting their adult desires first before the children. Derogatory terms are used in protests against those who oppose Proposition 8. In rallies across California supporting Proposition 8, such as the one on the left, implement the feeling of hate. The term fag implies a negative connotation upon the being homosexual. Additionally, the word depraved implies that the gay lifestyle is a social burden to America. Those who support the banning of gay marriage perceive this as a social problem of a minority group trying to change social culture. Gays should live private lives and not bring their lifestyle to the public arena and force society to change. Moreover, the argument against Proposition 8 holds a much stronger stand against those who support it. First, we must understand that language in society will always change and adapt to the needs of society. Marriage just as many other words will be redefined as society expands out of the two traditional gender roles. The gay community needs to be included as the law has to prescribe to everyone equally. As we see in the protest rallies, the movements’ association with civil rights of the blacks helps their argument gain solidarity. A popular slogan across protests was â€Å"Gay is the new Black†. I experienced protestors in Fresno, CA yelling this to supporters of Proposition 8. The correlation of the blacks civil rights display their desires and emphasize discrimination. In addition, supporters claim children will be confused as to sexuality preferences, yet sexuality preferences don’t usually profess themselves until puberty. In this adolescence the children will be able to cognate their own sexual preference. Those in support are simply trying to prevent gays from their prescribed rights. When have we ever heard of a vocabulary word that needed its definition restored? Marriage is defined differently by many societies and who are we to say that a minority group should be exempt from it. As the gay language further manifests itself with civil rights language, it will draw increasing support from the gay community as well as civil rights activists. Works Cited California Marriage Protection Act,  § 7. 5. Kulick, Don. â€Å"Gay and Lesbian Language. † Annual Review of Anthropology 29 (2000): 243-85. Litosseliti, Lia. Gender and Language Theory and Practice. New York: A Hodder Arnold Publication, 2006. Official California Legislative Information. 04 Nov. 2008. California Legislation. 05 Mar. 2009 .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 140

Discussion - Essay Example For human beings to fully evolve, they took a form of different hominids which include Australopithecines, Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens were developed and resembled the current human beings (LaFreniere, 2011). The race concept is a relic as many scholars have different arguments to the existence of race. Most of scientist claims that the traditional racial difference is based on skin deep because people classify themselves in respect to the skin colour. The white people from America classified themselves in respect to their skin colour. The race was based on the colour of the skin and not genetic make up. Currently, scientist are analysing the issue of race in respect to the genetic make up. Different scientist have different perception on the issue of race as some claim that genetics makes up race while other claim that genetic inheritance does not guarantee similarity. Human beings first appeared in Africa and disappeared from the world due to natural selection as they could not adapt to the environment. As human beings were developing the Homo sapiens found survival tactic and made tools for hunting and gathering (LaFreniere,

Friday, September 27, 2019

300 (2006) Movie Critical Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

300 (2006) Movie Critical Review - Essay Example For ten days, Leonidas and his valiant men fight against the Persians. The Greek Ephialtes, however, defects to Xerxes and reveals a separate path through Thermopylae, which the Persians used to defeat the Greeks. Queen Gorgo (Lena Headey) successful persuades the Council to send reinforcement to Leonidas, but it is too late. Leonidas and all his men perished. Nevertheless, the battle continues, since Dilios leads a larger Greek army against the Persian army and launches the Battle of Plataea. The film has not precisely depicted some of the causes of the Battle, beliefs and attitudes, technology, dress, events, characters and speech of the time, as it turned a historical fact into a romantic myth that emphasizes the inaccurate dichotomy between the â€Å"evil† Asians and the â€Å"good† white race. The film did not accurately depict the causes of the Battle at Thermopylae and severely dichotomized historical characters, although the Battle itself is not fictitious. The Battle of Themopylae truly occurred, which Herodotus and other ancient writers described. The film shows that Leonidas fought for freedom and independence of not only Sparta, but the whole of Greece, though this is a simplistic reason for his motivation, according to Eugene N. Borza, professor emeritus of ancient history at Pennsylvania State University. It was still unclear why the Persians charged to Thermopylae, so it is hard to answer why the Greeks prepared to go to war with the former at Thermopylae. The film also no longer explores the â€Å"complex issues faced by the Greek city-states confronting the Persian advance† (Borza). Nevertheless, the Spartans did courageously stand against the Persians and all of them died there, except those who defected to the Persians and deserted the Spartan army. Their last stand, as a result, has been subjected to numerous various interpretations, to which the film â€Å"300† also belongs. Furthermore, the film has depicted a r ather stereotyped dichotomy between Asians and whites. The Asians, specifically Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), are illustrated as the â€Å"embodiment of evil and mindless tyranny, as opposed to the Spartans who represent freedom and justice† (Borza). The black and white division between the Asians and the Greeks perpetuate Orientalism and not the real facts about the Persians as people and their leaders. The film does not capture the actual figures of the historical event, but it did highlight some factual military strategies. Leonidas did not have only 300 soldiers with him, because according to Herodotus, the â€Å"Father of History,† he also brought thousands other Greeks and slaves. Borza stresses that it is â€Å"ludicrous to suggest† that an experienced Spartan general like Leonidas would think that 300 men would suffice against tens or even hundreds of thousands of enemies. That thinking would border both hubris and stupidity. Borza asserts that the Spartan s tand at Thermopylae consisted of â€Å"a force of perhaps six to seven thousand Greeks.† Moreover, the location of Thermopylae was strategic, because â€Å"the Persians would be unable to take advantage of their massive preponderance in numbers; instead, they would have to face the Greeks in close-quarter, hand-to-hand combat† (Frye 39). Also, the casualties to the Asians were high, because the Greeks fought well and hard too (Borza). â€Å"300† specifically capitalizes on close-up and medium shots of the battle with spurting blood and flinging, cut-off body parts that would have happened in a real hand-to-hand battle. Thus, the location enhanced the strategy of the Greeks against the Persians, while Snyder ensures hardcore action battle scenes with graphic shots and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Topics Discussed in Class - My Participation in Class Assignment - 4

Topics Discussed in Class - My Participation in Class - Assignment Example Physical global marketing environment topic has given a concept and understanding of how to understand the physical environment while making global marketing decisions. After understanding the physical environment the lecturer moved us towards the understanding of PEST environment. This environment teaches us that how to conduct the analysis of overall environment when making an investment or starting a business. It gives the complete understanding of absorbing all these factors of business environment (Hewett & Bearden, 2001). From week 3 of the semester lecturer move us to give the real understanding of the global marketing and advertising. The topic we had covered was values and paradoxes in global marketing and advertisement. By this topic lecturer has developed a new frame of global marketing and advertising in the mind of all the students of the class. This topic teaches us the merits and demerits of globalizing the business along with the bright side and dark side of advertise ment in the international market. It found difficult to advertise the product in the global market because it needs to understand and analyze the environments of different countries, but this topic by lecturer helps us at a great extent in understanding global marketing and advertising. The complexity of understanding different environments of different countries has made uncomplicated by the lecturer in the week 4 by discussing the topic of dimensions of culture. This topic gave us an understanding of how to understand the characteristics of culture while understanding the culture to target with the purpose of business. This topic tells us the importance of understanding the characteristics of targeted people of different cultures. After giving the understanding of dimensions of culture lecturer contained us specifically towards the understanding of consumer behavior (Keegan and Green, 2012). Consumer behavior is changing with a fast pace with the advancement of technology and adap tation of technology by consumers. Consumers are now getting aware with the changing trends so marketer needs to be very active in understanding the changing trends of the market and importantly the changing taste and preferences of consumers. Consumer behavior study taught us the factors of understanding the changing tastes and preferences of consumer with the changing trend (Terpstra, 2000). After learning the topic of consumer behavior the lecturer gave the in-depth knowledge of consumer behavior for global market by discussing the topic of consumer ethnocentrism and disidentification. This topic gave the understanding of why consumer prefers international products over the domestic products or why consumer prefer domestic product over international brands. Many factors have been discussed in this topic which can affect the consumer preferences. This study is very important for the global marketers and we have learned a lot of techniques in this study. This study will help us in creating a brand in the presence of the needs and preferences of customers of the target market. Market is smart now so marketer needs to be smart as well in understanding the market moves. In the 9th week the lecturer moves us towards the basic

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Interpersonal Communication - Assignment Example The script illustrated that there are various ways to understand what people are thinking or feeling at the moment through the interpersonal mode of communication. The components that will be studied in this paper that relates to the script are 1) verbal 2) vocal 3) nonverbal and 4) visual mode of communication 3. Collectivist – collectivist or group think in interpersonal communication where individual members of a group identify with the perspective, opinion, world view and emotional disposition of the dominant member of the group. 5. High-context – the cultural ecosystem of which an individual operates. Language of high context interpersonal communication needs to be interpreted according to the cultural environment or context of the individual. There are several interpersonal communication elements used in the script beginning from the child and the parents to the employees of the store. These interpersonal communication elements in the script fall into the category of culture are; A. High context – context is the lens of how people see and understand the world around them. In messages, it is their filter or vocabulary in understanding people. Interpersonal communication are often high context communication or involving a great deal of understanding about the feelings, thoughts and intent of the sender. It requires a great deal of communication agility on both the sender and receiver to be able to send comprehensible interpersonal messages (on the part of the sender) and to understand such coded messages on the part of the receiver. In the script, the misunderstanding between the parent and the child in the opening of the script was very obvious with how they argue with the music because of differing context of both parties which they are trying to impose on the other. Both party, the child and the parent has different contexts of what is a good music which caused disagreement. For the parents, their idea of a good music is classical

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

305 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

305 - Essay Example It will also increase efficiency because the front desk will only use automated services to communicate with the other departments. It will also ensure surveillance so that workers at the front-desk department do their responsibilities without wasting time. The front-desk department at the organization has for a long time been ineffective creating losses for the company because of a waste of time. The main issue regards doing things manually at the reception. The company secretaries do not use any machine that links the department to other departments within the company. The only machine in the front desk area is a computer that is only used to record customer visits when they come to the company and employee attendance every morning when they report to work. The front desk is supposed to receive customers and potential clients, listen to their concerns and send them to the relevant departments for help or service. However, customers and employees have reported that the front-desk is very slow in their responsibilities, ignore their duties and are ineffective. The source of this problem is that the front desk lacks automated systems that could have helped the department to make the processes fast and be reliable. Because of this, employees at the department are forced to walk to other departments in search of important documents or to seek clarification over important matters that may not be appropriate for phone calls. This has seen some employees take up to 30 minutes when going to take important documents. They waste time along the way, tell stories during work time and deliberately take time to avoid doing much work. In addition, simple tasks that require a phone call to other departments are ignored. Instead of making the calls, the employees deliberately walk out of their working area pretending that they need to go and find such information physically. These problems have increased inefficiencies within the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Induced Hypothermia in Post Cardiac Arrest Essay

Induced Hypothermia in Post Cardiac Arrest - Essay Example Lowering the patient's core temperature to 32-34 C is typical and appropriate for post cardiac arrest according to Bernard & Buist (2003). The use of hypothermia as a means of cerebral protection became established in the early days of cardiac surgery, the time when it was shown that hypothermia could prolong the safe period of circulatory arrest. From then on, hypothermic-perfusion-actively cooling body temperature down to 28 to 32 degrees Celsius during post cardiac arrest has been favored by the majority of surgeons for both valve surgery and CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft). However, many surgeons argue that hypothermia is an unnecessary convention if systemic circulation is uninterrupted with the use of CPB (Cardiopulmonary Bypass and cerebral perfusion is assumed to be adequate. On one hand, the use of normothermicperfusion (maintaining body temperature at around 37 degrees or allowing to drift down without active cooling) has not produced any solid evidence from neither clinical practice nor prospective randomized trials. Hypothermia may also be induced for several medical purposes. ... A few trials have indicated that hypothermic perfusion may be beneficial and that normothermic perfusion is potentially harmful. Martin et al. (1994) were the first to report an increased rate of postoperative stroke, both early and late, in CABG patients randomized to normothermic perfusion (actively warmed to 35 degrees Celsius or higher). These findings have been questioned, because the use of retrograde cardioplegia in these patients could have increased the risk of cerebral embolism. More patients with neurologic deficits were also found in the group randomized to normothermia by Mora et al. (1996), although NP testing did not support a difference in outcome between the two groups. Only one study so far has suggested an effect of temperature on NP performance. Regragui et al. (1996) studied 70 patients randomized to three temperature groups: 28 C, 32 C, and 37 C. Normothermia was found to result in worse NP performance than the other two groups. However, both the small numbers of patients and the method of analysis of NP deterioration in the study caution against accepting this finding. The application of hypothermia in a post cardiac arrest may also protect the brain and spinal cord (Schepens et al. 1994). However, Colon R. et al. (1987) had found that it can also cause its own complications especially when the hypothermia is profound (Svensson et al. 1993). As an alternative, some surgeons like Gott (1972) have provided adjunctive intraoperative perfusion with temporary arterial shunts and partial extracorporeal bypass (Bloodwell et al. 1968) or retrograde cerebral perfusion during hypothermic circulatory arrest. Furthermore, there are other techniques that have been tried like the preoperative radiographic

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lotus Car Rental Launch Lotus Green Essay Example for Free

Lotus Car Rental Launch Lotus Green Essay In the current climate of environmental and financial concerns across the United States many businesses have taken the initiative to go â€Å"green. † Green products and practices often cost more at the start and then generate savings over the lifetime of the product through energy conservation and maintenance savings. Car rental agencies, including Lotus competitors, have begun to incorporate hybrid options into their fleet as a way of tapping into an emerging class of eco-conscious consumers. Hybrid vehicles are becoming more popular among consumers and are expected to be common place in the near future. Lotus can begin developing a green branch now as part of an initiative to update services that reflect future growth. There are currently more than 1,800,000 thousand cars for rent in the United States generating approximately $21 billion in revenue (Ohngren Brown, 2007). The car rental business as a whole has steadily increased since 2002 and a rise is expected over the next five years. However, due to the dramatic fluxation in gasoline prices as well as growing environmental concerns there is currently a demand for fuel efficient and hybrid vehicles. Rental statistics for Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs), minivans, large trucks and other vehicles that have low fuel economy have been on the decline since consumers began to feel the impact of rising gasoline costs. Current customers looking to save money at the pump as well as a new generation of environmentally conscious spenders are looking for hybrid options. Lotus can accommodate this potential clientele base by launching a line of â€Å"green† vehicles. Major competitors such as Avis – Budget, Rent-A-Car, Hertz and Enterprise already offer hybrid vehicles for rent. Although the price of these vehicles is higher per day customers are typically promised to save in gas mileage and they are paying the difference. The majority of potential clients interested in Hybrid vehicles are willing to pay more in exchange for the satisfaction of driving a vehicle that produces less carbon emissions and conserves gasoline. Hybrid-electric vehicles (HEV) use two or more sources of energy. The most common energy sources include a combination of renewable energy storage system (RESS) and gasoline or diesel. However, solar energy, hydrogen and other alternative sources of fuel are available for use in HEVs as well. HEVs can be configured to increase power, improve gas mileage or provide auxiliary power for electrical devices and power tools. Emerging technology dictates that alternative fuels and hybrid vehicles are leading the way into the future. According to a Priceline survey 72 percent of travelers want rental car companies to offer hybrid vehicles (Environmental Leader, 2007, p. 01). Approximately 39 percent said they would even be willing to pay $1 to $3 more per day for a hybrid option. Current investment projects in renewable energy may wan as the price of gasoline drops to $70 a barrel, the lowest in nearly two years, but long term projections indicate that the use of alternative fuels will prosper over the next ten years and gasoline usage (Environmental Leader, 2007, p. 01). Going green is going to become a necessity for rental companies that want to stay ahead of the curve. Specifically companies promoting the benefits of green business practices as well as â€Å"eco-marketing† can build strong brand integrity (Ohngren Brown, 2007). Advertising campaigns geared toward the emerging class of eco-conscience money makers are already proving to be successful. According to www. business. gov, a government based business resource, companies that are already competitive in price and services benefit from adding green initiatives, products and eco-labeling as a method of securing a share of the market (Business. gov The Official Business Link to the US Government, 2008) As a small business looking to expand in a growingly competitive market Lotus can benefit from launching a green fleet of rental options. Current competitors are only using Hybrid vehicles as a small percentage of their fleet. By replacing three currently outdated vehicles with Hybrid options Lotus can begin a green campaign as well as update current selection of vehicles. The Honda Civic Hybrid and the Toyota Prius are two of the most cost effective hybrid vehicles currently on the market. The 2009 Civic gets approximately 45 miles per gallon and can be purchased around $24,000. Although this is significantly higher than a conventional Civic, which costs approximately $16,000 and gets 34 miles per gallon, consumers looking to test drive a hybrid as well as a growing number of consumers who will make a decision based on environmental choices will choice this option over the conventional model despite the price. The 2009 Toyota Prius is emerging as an even more cost effective hybrid starting at $22,000 it gets 48 miles per gallon. The standard price of a conventional car rental is approximately $55 per day. Competitors are charging $5 to $15 more per day for hybrid vehicles (Rent a Hybrid Car, n. d. ). Hybrid vehicles are becoming increasingly more common. So much so that hybrid rentals are also becoming more common. Eventually the cost of hybrid rental cars may be equivalent to that of standard vehicles. However, rental companies must take the lead and offer hybrid vehicles as well as promote them in order to pursue this avenue of business expansion. â€Å"By making more hybrid vehicles available and promoting their benefits, rental companies could easily increase their popularity among otherwise uninterested consumers. As popularity increases, the price of renting these green cars, which cost less to maintain to begin with, could eventually equal that of standard rentals (Rent a Hybrid Car, n. d. ,  ¶ 4). In conclusion, hybrid vehicles currently cost more than conventional vehicles. But consumers are illustrating that they are willing to pay more for hybrid options. Furthermore, the popularity of hybrid vehicles has already increased dramatically and is expected to continue to do so. The natural process of supply and demand has already produced an increased number of hybrid vehicles within the automobile market. This trend is expected to continue until hybrid vehicles become a staple within the auto industry. Lotus competitors have already begun to incorporate hybrid vehicles into their fleet as well as launch green campaigns and solidify branding. Lotus can gain an edge by incorporating hybrid vehicles as well as launching a branch of green car rentals. Incorporating hybrids will keep Lotus competitive with other rental agencies as well as meet consumer demand for this product. Currently there are two cost effective hybrid options, the Honda Civic Hybrid and Toyota Prius. Although both have higher fuel economy than conventional vehicles the Prius is emerging as a better investment. The Prius gets better gas mileage and costs less. Adding a small percentage of hybrid options allows Lotus to launch a new eco-conscious branding campaign as well as pursue a new class of customers, the environmentally concerned. References Business. gov The Official Business Link to the US Government (Producer). (2008). Green Marketing [Video file]. Retrieved from www. business. gov Environmental Leader (2007, April 24). Rental Car Customers Want Hybrid Option. Retrieved from Environmental briefing web site: www. environmentalleader. com Ohngren, K. , Brown, C. (2007, September/October). The Greening of the Auto Rental Industry. Auto Rental News, 6. Rent a Hybrid Car (n. d. ). Green or not? How much eco-cred do rental car agencies get for offering hybrids?. Retrieved December 01, 2008, from www. hybrid-rental-car. com

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Language & state of chaos Essay Example for Free

Language state of chaos Essay The lexical choices made by Beckett in the first act show many things, such as the relationship between Estragon and Vladimir, and the confusion of the characters as to the time and the meaning of their actions. The main characters, Estragon and Vladimir, switch roles continually, so not using language as an expression of their selves, therefore the words used show no badge of identity. This shows interchangeability in the characters, so keeping the audience searching for the characters own distinctive personality. This role switching that not even the characters roles/ personalities are certain. This confusion is increased with the characters inclination to talk in adjacency pairs like they are both speaking from the same train of thought To say that the language is in a state of chaos suggests there is utter confusion in the play, the audience can hear and understand the individual words being said, but cannot put them into a relevant context or meaning. This chaos is seen frequently throughout Vladimir and Estragons conversations; although taking turns with one another while speaking, they do not engage in a conventional conversation, one character talks about one topic, while the other talks about a different subject all together. The first moment I have chosen reflects this chaotic language; the two characters talk about the bible, beginning in conventional adjacency pairs, Vladimir: Did you ever read the bible? Estragon: The bible I must have looked at it but then the conversation starts to waver on Estragons part Vladimir: Do you remember the story? Estragon: No. Vladimir: Shall I tell it to you? Estragon: No. And finally, the language and conversation between the two becomes chaotic Estragon: Saved form what? Vladimir: Hell. Estragon: Im going. This deterioration in the exchanges between the two characters shows the pettiness of them both; they seem to squabble about anything, no matter how inane it seems to the audience. This can be seen as due to the lack of meaning or activity in their lives, with them using any method of keeping boredom at bay. This interaction between the two characters shows their abuse of Grices maxim of relevance, as one characters speech holds no relevance to that of the others. In this moment in the play there is a lot of uncertainty for both the characters and the audience, which Beckett creates mainly via the language used by the two main protagonists. The characters are unsure about what the other is talking about, Estragon: Who? Vladimir: What? Estragon: Whats all this about? , and they are also uncertain of what really happens in the bible, Vladimir: But all four were there why believe him rather than the others? The audience is made uncertain of the meaning of the characters talking about the bible, it is near the start of the play so they do not know what is to come. My second moment is different form my first as Estragon and Vladimir are now joined by two passing characters, Pozzo and Lucky, although Lucky does not speak till later on in their meeting. Pozzo speaks of how much pressure Lucky, his knook, puts on him, this is all an act on his part, but Estragon and Vladimir believe him, they repeat Pozzos words to add definition and to show their feelings of sadness towards him, Pozzo: Its terrible he must go Im going mad I cant bear it any longer Vladimir: He cant bear it. Estragon: Any longer. Vladimir: Hes going mad. Estragon: Its terrible. This makes Estragon and Vladimir look rather naive as they believe Pozzo straight away and accuse Lucky of crucifying Pozzo, but are then told by Pozzo that he was lying. Estragon and Vladimirs language in this moment is still chaotic, repeating themselves and each other, and showing confusion at what each other said, using the word what several times as a response. Their adjacency pairs are jarred and do not seem to fit together, Vladimir: I dont think so Estragon: What? Vladimir: I dont know Estragon: Ask him. They then go on to talk mundanely about the evening, which turns into babblings of irrelevant words, Vladimir: Worse than the pantomime. Estragon: The circus Vladimir: The music-hall. Estragon: The circus This is an example of their words and thoughts reflecting a single unit, as if it were just one person speaking, showing their relationship to be so close they are starting to think alike. This chaotic language also reflects the uncertainty theme, which runs through the play, shown through the characters lexis and actions (seen in the secondary text). This chaos is shown when Pozzo appears to have lost his pipe, Estragon says Hes a scream. Hes lost his dudeen. This is a word coined by Beckett which does not seem to have any meaning, showing how Beckett uses language to confuse the audience, as it seems slightly ridiculous how Estragon makes up a word purely to rhyme with scream. The chaotic language in the play seems mainly on a humorous level, for example, in the second moment chosen Vladimir rushes off to relieve himself, while doing this Estragon shouts end of corridor on the left, even though both the characters and audience are aware they are in the middle of nowhere with just a tree. Both of the moments chosen show language to be in a state of chaos, thus supporting the opinion that nothing is certain in the play, although there are certain factors that make this statement debatable which should be taken into account, for example, Vladimir and Estragons relationship, they have known each other for a long time as they share memories etc. It can also be said that the certainty of some topics in the play is left up to the audience to understand, through the situation and the characters.

Friday, September 20, 2019

What Is Strategic Spatial Planning Environmental Sciences Essay

What Is Strategic Spatial Planning Environmental Sciences Essay Introduction Strategic spatial planning is arguably an approach which rails against the discourse of the scientific rational comprehensive models of planning which has and still does hold a large influence in current modes of planning. This short essay will hopefully explain to planners why a strategic spatial planning approach is more conducive in the current context which we find ourselves in. This will be done through answering a set of questions which will clarify the approach, its purpose and methods, how it differs from rational comprehensive approaches of master planning and land use planning, why planners should use it, what can be expected from it, and its usefulness. What is Strategic Spatial Planning? Strategic spatial planning is a method to help solve complex spatial problems through creating strategic visions and new spatial identities. According to Kaufman and Jacobs (in Albrechts, 2001) strategic systems originated in the US around the 1950s due to the need for rapidly changing and growing corporations to plan effectively and manage their futures at a time when the future seemed unclear. In Europe, strategic spatial planning dated back to the 1920s and 30s, and was used to direct the activities of others (Mastop in Albrechts, 2001). From Albrechts (2006) it can be understood that the word spatial brings into focus the where of things, the creation and management of special places and sites as well as the interrelations between different activities in an area, and significant intersections and nodes within an area. This spatial focus allows for a more effective way of integrating different agendas such as, economic, social, and cultural and their spatial impacts (Albrechts, 2006). The word strategy has its roots within a military context; in ancient battle armies would work out a strategy prior to the battle on how best to overcome the enemy. It is understood that this type of strategy had four basic elements an accurate understanding of the real situation, realistic goals, focused resources in areas where they would be most effective, and persistence of the action until the desired outcome is achieved (Albrechts, 2010). These elements are strongly rooted in systems of strategic spatial planning. In its entirety, strategic spatial planning is a process which is directed at a limited number of strategic key issue areas. It determines an areas strengths and weaknesses in the context of its opportunities and threats; it scans external trends, and the resources that are available. It gathers major public and private stakeholders and allows for a broad and diverse process of involvement. It develops a realistic long-term vision along with strategies in order to manage and influence spatial change. Importantly it is orientated towards decisions, actions, results, and implementation, in the short, medium and long-term (Albrechts, 2001). It is indeed impossible to understand material places and social nodes such as the city, the city-region and the region in terms of a one-dimensional hierarchy of scales (Albrechts, 2010:6). This definition illustrates that strategic spatial planning is not a single concept or procedure, but it is a set of concepts, procedures and tools that are tailored carefully to whatever situation is presented (Albrecht, 2001). Moreover it is a development-led approach and a transformative and integrative, public sector-led, and socio-spatial process through which a vision, coherent actions and means for implementation are produced; these are then able to shape and frame what a place is and its potential of what it may become (Albrechts, 2006) How does it differ from MASTER PLANNING and LAND USE PLANNING? In order to understand the difference one needs to understand the rationale of land use planning and master planning. Land use planning is a process of planning which is concerned with the location, intensity, form, amount, and harmonization of land development required for a variety of spatial uses; such as housing, industry, recreation, transport, education, and agriculture. A land use plan in this instance basically embodies a proposal as to how land should be used within a set of considered policy as expansion and restructuring progress in the future (Albrechts, 2004). Traditional land use planning is a more passive planning approach aimed at controlling land use through a zoning system and through regulations. This according to Albrechts (2006) seems unfit for bridging the gap between plan-making, political decision-making and implementation. This was one of the reasons why the need arose for a different type of planning a move away from regulatory policy and instruments to a development-led approach which aims to intervene more directly, coherently and selectively in social reality and development strategic spatial planning (Albrechts, 2006). For Albrechts (2001) strategic spatial planning is to a certain extent rendered towards an integrated socio-economic course of action that supersedes the mere focus on land use planning. For Master Planning on the other hand, Friedman (2007) found that it is almost a universally accepted form of planning practice. His survey found that in country after country, cities through their governments are mandated to produce master plans. Essentially within these master plans countries specify future land uses and location decisions. Master planning is a completely static practice and according to Friedman (2007) it needs to be rethought as it is out of line with the dynamic flows of globalisation. Friedman (2007) defines master planning as being typically municipal plans rather than regional plans, and as being exclusively concerned with land use rather than with the total spectrum of urban policy issues. They are drawn up by a specialized branch of municipal government rather than through a wider process of collaborative deliberation, and the process used to draw up master plans and getting them approved takes years thus rendering them out-dated by the time they can be implemented. Also they are top-down, with relatively minimum citizen participation, and lastly when it comes to large scale projects; master plans are often set aside to allow for necessary changes in land use and circulation patterns (Friedman, 2007). Opposing this, spatial planning is derived not from an official, mandatory character like master planning but from a role that coordinates instruments closely intertwined with urban policy formation and the design and implementation of large-scale projects. Spatial planning involves a range of actors that include communities, government officials and private stakeholders. The main purpose of spatial planning is not to mandate particular land uses as is in the instance of master planning but to allow for a better coordination of urban policies and large-scale project developments across space, to test alternative policies and designs through revising their social implications, and to allow for an informed public discourse about them (Friedman, 2007). In cities such as the new downtown peninsula of Vancouver, master planning has been abandoned for systems of spatial planning in which planning proceeds by way of involving public hearings, bargaining, and negotiations. The results of this transition over a period of 25 years are testimony to the viability not only of the Vancouver model but also of the more abstract spatial planning model (Friedman, 2007). What are its main PURPOSES and METHODS? Strategic spatial planning as mentioned earlier is used for complex problems where authorities at different levels and different sectors and private actors are mutually dependant (Albrecht, 2001). The model designs plan-making structures and develops content, images and decision frameworks which can influence and manage spatial change. It is about constructing new ideas and processes that can carry these structures through, thus generating ways of understanding, ways of consensus, and ways of organising and mobilizing for the purpose of exerting influence in different arenas (Albrecht, 2006). Both is the short and long term, strategic spatial planning focuses on framing decisions, actions, projects, results and implementation, and incorporates monitoring, feedback, adjustment and revision of the outcome. Its purpose therefore is not a new ideology preaching a new world order but as a method for creating and steering a better future for a place based on shared values (Albrechts, 2006). Albrechts (2006) goes further on to explain that the seven main aims of a strategic project are to develop an integrated innovative approach for the various project types; to develop a fully operational framework based on sustainability; to develop tools for quality management; to broaden the multi-actor/multi-level policy settings and to evaluate current settings; to disseminate the approach; to develop an educational model; and to establish a network of knowledge between researchers, professionals, and governments (Albrechts, 2006). The capacity for these projects to deliver the desired outcome is dependant firstly on the system itself and on the conditions underlying it such as structural constraints, and political, cultural, and professional attitudes towards spatial planning. The planning process is not intended to flow smoothly from one phase to the next. It is a dynamic and creative process wherein new views and facts that arise today may alter the decisions made yesterday (Albrechts, 2010). This illustrates that it is never a fixed process but is in a continuous start of change from beginning to end. The visions and frames which guide this process are never a given, rather they are to be constructed. The process of envisioning is the process by which groups develop visions of future states for themselves, their organisations, city, or their region that are clear, powerful and realistic. Essentially this means that the visions are to be constructed within a specific context and scale regarding issues that are of interest within that space and within a particular combination of actors. This is to be done within a method that fully recognises the conditions of power, inequality, and diversity. The vision describes a city or region as it may look like in the future, and it must appeal to the long-term interests of actors who have a stake in the city or region (Albrechts, 2010:8). Why do this kind of planning? Strategic spatial planning projects conduct an in-depth study of the area, thus giving preference to the location being affected over anything else. With this these projects study external trends and the resources available therefore allowing for a broad and diverse process. Also, by making use of this type of planning, planners are able to target a variety of areas; including urban, rural, and economic areas (Albrechts, 2006). In the instance of urban areas, strategic urban projects are useful as they aim to consolidate, transform, restructure or reuse the urban areas for new and emerging demands from public and private actors. With regards to rural areas, strategic projects are useful as they aim to transform rural and suburban dynamics into a more sustainable and qualitative form of development while not forgetting to enhance the cultural meaning of these spaces. Lastly, economic areas are seen as an important part of the effort to keep up international economic competitiveness. Strategic projects seek to turn away from the old concept of business parks spatial concept and management to a focus on the requirements of firms that are to be translated into specifically designed employment locations (Albrechts, 2006). And what can we expect from it? This question can be divided into two parts; we as planners and we as the public and private actors. First, the essay will intend to the address the latter part. Strategic spatial planning projects are strategic to achieve visions, goals, and objectives from a variety of policy sectors, and are to integrate the community being affected. Visions is arguably one of the most important factors of strategic projects as they are expected to be placed within the specific context, place, time and level, and are to regard specific issues that are of interest to the different actors (Albrechts, 2006). Essentially what can be expected from strategic spatial planning projects is a critical analysis of the main processes and structural constraints which shape spaces, which adds into a realistic, dynamic, integrated, and indicative long-term vision. It will provide a plan for short-term and long-term actions, a budget, and a flexible strategy for implementation (Albrechts, 2010). In terms of the projects eventual implementation, it will provide credible commitments to action engagement and a clear and explicit link to the budget thus allowing for citizens, private-sector, different levels of governance, and planners to enter a consensus (Albrechts, 2010). We as planners will expect a different set of tools, tools which will guide the planner on what to expect when acting as a strategic spatial planner. For Albrechts (2010), he finds it unthinkable that the planner should act merely as a neutral observer and refrain from playing a role in the construction of visions and images. Instead, Albrechts suggests that planners should be necessarily involved, and instrumental in substantiating, formulating and implementing images and visions. This is a logical perspective, as if planners merely observe, there expertise in certain situations are not shared, and their usefulness would be greatly undermined. Strategic spatial planners are to instead, challenge their own mental discourse which limit their creativity, and start anew thus allowing for their creativity and resourcefulness to flow and to be used in formulating, designing, and building new concepts and discourses (Albrechts, 2010). How useful is it? Strategic spatial planning is a flexible process that deals with complex problems and is able to mend to a wide range of problems, but also deals with each problem uniquely. This characteristic makes the approach very useful as it applies to a range of different issues. For example; the city of Barcelona started using a strategic planning approach in 1988 in order to enhance the cooperation between the public and private sector with the hope that the enhancement will strengthen the position of the city as a candidate for the Olympic Games (Albrechts, 2010). The city of Turin which was inspired by Barcelona also undertook a strategic approach in the mid 1990s, for Turin this formed the basis for rethinking the potential of a former monopolistic town that had been highly affected by the rise of the automobile industry. The aim for Strategic spatial planning here was to transform Turin into a European metropolis a city of activities and know-how (Albrechts, 2010:5). For the city of Bilbao, the vision was to transport the city into the economic, financial, and cultural capital of the Atlantic Arc. Lastly, for Prague, strategic spatial planning focused on integrating the city into European structures (Albrechts, 2010). From this it is clear that strategic spatial planning is applicable to a diverse range of issues and can adapt easily to what is required in the context for which it is envisioning, thus rendering it a useful approach to planning. Conclusion From the information discussed in this essay the approach of strategic spatial planning has been explained. Through using such an approach to planning it can be deduced that spaces can be become more active and interactive both on a local scale and the sectors within that scale and on an international scale. In short, episodes of strategic spatial planning informed by relational complexity concepts which accumulate sufficient power to travel effectively and have enduring material and mental effects should be judged in the long-term in terms of their capacity to enrich the imaginative resources, creative energies and governance cultures through which quality of life and experience of diverse citizens and stakeholders in particular places are likely to be enhanced. (Healey, 2006:19)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Systemic Lupus Essay -- Health, Diseases

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a fairly common disease identified as episodes of inflammation and damage to joints, tendons, and various organs. The most effected organs are the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, blood vessels, and skin. Lupus affects each individual differently and the effects could be mild to severe depending on the individual. SLE is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks the healthy cells and tissues in the body (Ohio State, 2009). The main cause of lupus is unknown, but there are believed to be many factors that could contribute to lupus. Lupus is believed to be genetic for many individuals (Ohio State, 2009). If a mother has SLE, her daughter has a 1:40 chance of developing lupus, whereas, her son has a 1:250 chance (Leber, 2009). Environmental issues could be present where the cause in the environment is unknown. SLE can also be caused by some medications. The disease may be present while taking the medication, but disappear when the individual stops taking the medication. The majority of people who have lupus are women between late teens to forty-five. Females are affected three to ten times more likely than males (Ohio State, 2009). African American women are more likely to develop lupus than Caucasian women (Leber, 2009). Human leukocyte antigens are a group of genes on chromosome six. The human leukocyte antigens (HLA) associated with lupus is called DR2 and DR3. A person who has these antigens is very likely to develop lupus, but individuals with different antigens may also develop SLE (Ohio State, 2009). There are many symptoms of SLE and will vary from individual to individual with the disease. Some common symptoms are inflammation of the joints, Raynaud’s phenomenon1, m... ...ttempt to treat physical symptoms of SLE as well as the psychological symptoms. HRQoL, disease activity, and disease damage are three different components of lupus and should be measured separately for the most accurate results. Measuring the patient’s quality of life will assist in keeping the patient informed about how the disease is affecting them in their daily lives. HRQoL will vary significantly with each individual and is very important to measure patient’s responses to lupus. Fatigue is a widely influential factor in lupus patients and should be included in quality of life studies (McElhone, 2006). Studies found a role of defensins in the pathogenesis of SLE (Froy, 2009). Although, when SLE involves major organ, the disease can be put into remission with corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy, these treatments can cause toxic results (Ntali, 2009).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay on Social Order in The Tempest -- Tempest essays

The Social Order in The Tempest  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   In Shakespeare's time, the social order was as powerful and rigid as law. Shakespeare provides an example of this social structure in his play, The Tempest. In the course of his play, the reader sees superior men dominating lesser beings on the basis of race, financial status, and gender. Not all upper class are completely corrupt, however. We see a semi-virtuous hero in the character of Prospero. Prospero has every reason to feel superior and exercise his social power, yet he doesn't always treat others disrespectfully. Although he does have some sense of charity, Prospero is still a good example of the social condition of the time.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One way in which The Tempest reflects Shakespeare's society is through the relationship between characters, especially between Prospero and Caliban. Caliban is the former king of the island, and Prospero and his daughter Miranda teach him how to be "civilized." Immediately thereafter, Prospero and Miranda enslave Caliban and he is forced to be their servant. Caliban explains "Thou strok'st me and make much of me... ...otte Porter and Helen A. Clarke (eds.) Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. 1903. Knight, G. Wilson. "Shakespearian Superman" The Tempest D.J. Palmer (ed.) Macmillan & Co. 1968 Murray, J. Middleton. "Shakespeare's Dream" The Tempest D.J. Palmer (ed.) Macmillan & Co. 1968 Palmer, D.J. Shakespeare's Later Comedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. 1611. Ed. Stephen Orgel. New York: Oxford UP, 1994. Tillyard, E.M. "The Tragic Pattern" The Tempest D.J. Palmer (ed.) Macmillan & Co. 1968

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How does John Steinbeck use animals in ‘Of Mice And Men’? Essay

For the duration of Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck makes references to animals and animal behaviour in portraying the characteristics of the characters. Not only does he do this, but also uses actual animals as a medium in which to show emotions and symbolisms. It is this theme which I plan to explore in this short essay. In the title of the book, Steinbeck chose to mention mice, taken from part of a poem by Robbie Burns, who wrote: ‘The best laid plans of mice and men Gang aft aglee and leave us naught But grief and pain for promised joy’. This is quite apt considering what happens in the book and it could be said that the book revolves around the poem. Steinbeck lets the reader know that the story will contain animal references from the beginning of the book. On the first page, rabbits are mentioned coming â€Å"out of the brush to sit on the sand in the evening.† Later in the chapter, Lennie says to George, â€Å"I remember about the rabbits, George†, to which George responds, â€Å"The hell with the rabbits. That’s all you ever can remember is them rabbits.† It is strange that rabbits are mentioned both in nature and in converse dialogue in the same section. However, it is not so much the rabbits that Lennie is looking forward to, but the dream of something better, his ideal world. George takes it upon himself to ground Lennie, bringing him back to reality. Their relationship is complex and we only get glimpses of their history together. This technique is used by the author so that the reader can come up with their own interpretations. Lennie is described further on â€Å"dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws†, creating imagery that Lennie is like a bear. When the majority of people hear the word ‘bear’, they immediately think ‘vicious’, ‘ferocious’, or even ‘wild’. Steinbeck makes it clear that Lennie is none of these things but is in fact a gentle giant who is unaware of the impression he makes upon others. The imagery of a bear is contradicted later on when Lennie is again described to have animal characteristics, those of a terrier. When he is slowly coming towards George, he approaches, draws back, and approaches again. When the pair arrive at the ranch, a whole batch of characters are introduced, including Candy and his dog. This is not the only dog on the ranch, as Slim also owns one, one which is pregnant. Candy’s dog symbolises old age and the past while Slim’s represents life and things to come. When Candy is bullied into having his dog shot due to it’s annoyance of others on the farm, it is the separation of a connection to the past, a tie that has been severed. Around the same time, Slim’s dog gives birth and puppies are introduced into the world. The killing of Candy’s dog is a determined action to begin to erase the old and to celebrate for the future. It could be said that this is reflected in the American Dream that happened during the Great Depression. The characters in Of Mice And Men are all working towards a goal or aspiration. George and Lennie realize this when they arrive at the ranch and they see that what they have now is a fresh start. A chance to clear their past and work towards the future. The theme of life being reflected in nature is not uncommon for the rest of the book, and John Steinbeck makes several other references to death and how life continues to move on despite it, as though death is an integral part of life, how it is unavoidable and should be honoured, not mourned. This theme plays an important role in the scene where Curley’s Wife meets Lennie in the barn. Before she even enters, George has already killed one of Slim’s puppies by stroking it too hard. This is reinforcing the image of him being bear-like, how he doesn’t know his own strength. When the naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve character of Curley’s Wife begins to ‘flirt’ with him, he says that he likes to stroke soft things and so begins stroking her hair. When she begins to struggle, Lennie gets scared and doesn’t realize that he breaks her neck. In the book, it says that her â€Å"body flopped like a fish†. The reader is now left with the image of a bear with a flailing fish in it’s paws, not in a malignant way, but in one that is trying to calm it down. When Lennie rushes off to the brush where George told him to hide if anything goes wrong at the start of the book, he is met by two apparitions, one of his aunt Clara, and one of a giant rabbit. The rabbit is a connection to the dream that Lennie held at the start. Steinbeck is trying to convey to the reader that the dream that these people in the Great Depression held was too unrealistic, how a series of unfortunate events leads to the compete destruction of the dream.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Premarital Cohabitation Essay

Over the past 30 years countries have experienced a phenomenon that has raised many questions about the future of the institution of marriage. Western societies, such as the United States, Canada, and countries in Western Europe have witnessed a virtual explosion in the number of unmarried cohabitating couples. Quite a number of studies have been done to research what effect, if any, this trend has on the subsequent marriage, and how does this affect any children as a result of this union. According to some estimates, since the 1970s, the number of couples that live together has more than tripled. However, there are two sides to the story – one, proposes that premarital cohabitation is like a trial marriage and allows people to eventually marry the one they are more comfortable and compatible with. The other point of view is that premarital cohabitation leads to a higher divorce rate in the society and may also have other negative effects. However, research suggests that there is little merit to the claim that cohabitation effectively serves as a trial marriage. Furthermore, studies indicate that premarital cohabitation is actually detrimental because it leads to higher divorce rates and dissolution of marriage. Why Would People Prefer to Cohabit To understand the effects of cohabitation it is necessary to review why people cohabit in the first place. About 50% of cohabitating individuals express the belief that living together without is a way to determine compatibility before getting married. Based on the premise that premarital cohabitation allows couples to determine compatibility, this practice should result in more stable marriages. However, evidence suggests that the contrary is true. Cohabitation is linked to lower levels of marital satisfaction. Couples who previously lived together are reported to spend less time together in shared activities. They report higher levels of marital disagreement, less supportive behavior, less problem-solving, more marital problems, and greater perceived likelihood of marital dissolution (Amato 2003). Premarital Cohabitation Leads to Higher Divorce Rates Research has shown that cohabitation is extremely unstable. For example, Canada has experienced a ninefold increase in the numbers of cohabitating couples, as well as a fourfold increase in the number of divorces over the past 30 years. Recent studies have not only indicated that cohabitation is negatively linked to marital stability, but studies also indicate that living in common law is related to a decrease in quality of marriage (Hall 1995). In a survey conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies Family Formation Project showed that after 5 years of being married, 13 per cent of those who had cohabited before marriage would divorce, versus six per cent of non-cohabiters. Ten years later, the difference increased to 26 per cent for those who had cohabited and 14 per cent for those who had not. After 20 years, there was a further increase of 56 per cent of people who had cohabited versus 27 per cent of those who had not (Weston 2007). Many reasons are cited for the resulting instability and the higher divorce rate among former couples who formerly cohabitated. Cohabitators are thought to hold more unconventional values and attitudes than those who marry without cohabitating. Those who cohabitate are thought to have a weaker commitment to marriage in general, or they may have higher expectations about the quality of marriage than those who do not cohabitate. Cohabitators are also thought to have socioeconomic or personality characteristics that are linked to higher likelihood of union dissolution (Dourleijn 2006). Among these socioeconomic and personality factors which are thought to be linked to higher instances of marital dissolution are parental divorce, less education, lower income, premarital pregnancy and childbirth, being non-white, and having had a previous divorce (Cohan 2002). According to research conducted and published in the American Sociological Review, it was concluded that â€Å"Overall association exists between premarital cohabitation and subsequent marital instability. The dissolution rates of women who cohabit premaritally with their future spouse are, on average, nearly 80 percent higher than the rates of those who do not. † (Bennett, Blanc, and Bloom 1988). Based on the US data, researchers have shown that ‘marriages that are preceded by living together have 50 per cent higher disruption rates than marriages without premarital cohabitation. In Sweden, researched showed that cohabiters were more likely to divorce even if the period of marriage is counted from the beginning of cohabitation. A subsequent study also found that premarital cohabitation, regardless of the nature or reason; it is associated with an increased risk of marital instability. Based on the work of Bennett, Blanc and Bloom (1987) whose findings correspond with previous findings, the following conclusions can be made: knowing that cohabiters and non-cohabiters differ in the sense of higher risk of divorce, the researchers set about to explore if there are other characteristics which were unique to these two groups, or a factor which can show that it is not premarital cohabitation alone which leads to higher divorce rate. While no one factor was found to support the argument that cohabitation caused the difference, researchers did not find a characteristic to dispute the argument. According to their data sample, women who cohabited were younger than those who did not. They are also more likely to have had a premarital conception, and were twice as likely to have had a premarital birth. For those who marry at a young age, or who have had a premarital birth have higher divorce rates. However, the first birth within a marriage has a stabilizing effect, and for these couples divorce rates are one quarter lower. These results are consistent with previous research. In 1985, it was found that for every year of age an adult attains before marrying, the risk of dissolution decreases by 16%. Education achieved for women is negatively related with the possibility of divorce. However, for this aspect other factors may also be involved. When social background was considered, similar findings were found. Social background is measured by using the occupation of the main breadwinner in the household. This factor indicates level of education achieved, parent’s marital status etc. It was found that women in households with a white collar worker as the breadwinner had higher divorce rates than other women. Another interesting finding concerns the duration of how long the couple have been together. The researchers assume that people who cohabit can be roughly divided into two groups: those who believe in the institution of marriage, and those who don’t. In such a case, the less committed group should be seen to have higher divorce rates. This should be observable if the relationship between cohabitation and dissolution should decrease with increase in duration. This is proved by the data researchers had collected. Their findings show that for up to two years of marriage the divorce rates of people who had cohabited before was almost three times. This reduced to twice for people who were married for two to eight years. After eight years, the differences in divorce rates of cohabiters and non-cohabiters are statistically insignificant. Thus one interpretation of this is the fact that people who cohabit have characteristics that make them more likely to have higher chances of a divorce. Another finding points to the fact that women who cohabit premaritally for more than three years have a 54 percent higher divorce rate than those who have cohabitated for shorter periods of time. This is because the former groups of people have such characteristics which make them less willing to commit. These include valuing one’s independence and being more self-reliant (Bennett 1987). Other Adverse Effects The increase in the rate of premarital cohabitation raises important concerns about the institution of marriage from a societal perspective. One concern is that individuals may find cohabitation to be an attractive arrangement and will be more likely to view marriage as undesirable. Another concern is that the high rate of dissolution among couples will reinforce the view that â€Å"intimate relationships are fragile and temporary,† thereby reducing the view within society that marriage is a rewarding lifetime commitment. In addition, research shows that cohabitation is linked to delayed marriage, an increase in nonmarital fertility, less commitment to marriage, and greater approval of divorce and nonmarital cohabitation. Furthermore, societies which have experienced a sharp increase in premarital cohabitation rates have also experienced an upward trend in divorce, premarital sex, and premarital pregnancy rates, while marriage and marital fertility rates have declined (Balakrishnan 1995). Conclusion: Although a number of individuals believe that cohabitation provides a means by which couples may determine their compatibility before getting married, there is a vast body of strong evidence that suggests otherwise. Married couples who previously lived together report high levels of marital disagreement, spend less time together, and are more likely believe that their marriage will end in dissolution. These couples tend to be less supportive of each other, and they institute fewer problem solving skills. Cohabitation has been linked to lower commitment levels among couples, diminished views on the marital relationship in general, and a higher divorce rate. These ill effects are directly linked to the cohabitation trend, which has exploded over the course of the past few decades. Researchers believe that cohabitation leads to unstable marriages because those who cohabitate tend to have weaker commitment to marriage in general, or they may have higher expectations for the quality of married life. Cohabitators are also more likely to hold unconventional views on marriage. It has also been observed that those who cohabitate tend to have other socioeconomic and individual characteristics that are linked to a higher rate of marriage dissolution. In addition to the higher divorce rate that seems to be directly related to the dramatic increase in cohabitation, other undesirable effects have also resulted. Societies that have experienced a surge in premarital or nonmarital cohabitation have also seen a sharp increase in premarital pregnancies, delayed marriage, and greater acceptance and approval of divorce and nonmarital cohabitation.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Crime patterns Essay

Short Answer Questions: 1) What do sociologists mean when they describe deviance as being relative? Provide an example of a deviant behavior and identify how it is relative. Deviance is relative because of a number of factors. These factors include: location, age, social status, and individual societies that do not conform to social norms. Deviance deals with situations in everyday life and that is what makes deviance relative to sociologists. An example of this type of behavior is â€Å"A person speaking loudly during a church service would probably be considered deviant, whereas a person speaking loudly at a party would not. Society generally regards taking the life of another person to be a deviant act, but during wartime, killing another person is not considered deviant† (, 2014). This is relative because it is relating to the persons involved in the situation and their surroundings. 2) What are deviant places, and how are they associated with deviant acts? Deviant places are places that sustain deviant acts. These could be old buildings, poverty-stricken neighborhoods, or largely-populated areas. These places create certain stresses and could cause these behaviors. For example areas with a lot of poverty are usually areas with the highest crime rate. This stress leads to stealing, drugs, etc. , 3) Sociologists detail the importance of contextual and social patterns for deviant acts such as abuse, murder, and rape. Choose from abuse, murder, and rape, and then detail an important social pattern or variation. 4) Compare and contrast two different types of suicide, providing an example of each. Essay: What are the fundamental differences between the biological, psychological, and sociological theories of deviance? Choose a sociological theory from your readings and provide a summary of its important ideas and concepts. Then choose a deviant act and utilize the theory to explain why people engage in such behaviors.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell Tale Heart Essay

Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell Tale Heart relates the story of one man’s obsession at the seemingly trifle and otherwise common place prospect of the gaze of another’s eyes. So consumed is this person of his obsession with the eyes belonging to his tenent or landlord that one night he decides to gouge it off, kill its owner, and bury the eyeball in question under the floorboard. Needless to say, Edgar Allan Poe succeeds in exacting yet another dose of terror, dread and trepidation from his readers. The stated sentiments exist partly because of the plot, but largely because of Poe’s use of visual imagery, characterized by words which harp on the senses as people perceive it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These perceptions, the heightened sensations that the narrator, who is in fact, also the murderer in the story, feels –   in the extent of the short story is given structure by the way which he proceeds to talk of his victim. He writes first of being alluded to the eye, not being particularly attached to it initially, but describing it with an endearment out of place, and with a distinction which one would not normally employ when referring to something as ordinary as one of the five senses, except perhaps if people were talking about their lovers (which the narrator is not). His interest shifts and evolves as the story progresses. Talk of the eye in question becomes irrational to the point of alarming, and readers know at this point that something ominous is about to ensue. The narrator begins to talk distinctly of the eye as it were a separate entity, separate from that of its owner, the landlord, who he admits of being nothing but kind, and not having mistreated him in any way. His loving and long winded descriptions regarding, and romancing the eye in question, and the person to whom it belongs to culminates in a course of action which brings him to the landlord’s bedroom in the middle of the night. While in the victim’s sleep, he decides to take the eye for himself, and he describes it with such loving and final triumph as though it were a destiny and an important task that had long been awaiting fruition, and the time has come for it to bear fruit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   More than what has already been narrated and told in the plot, the story tells of one man’s obsessive longing, his ascension to insanity (or a closely related version of it) because of the pursuit of that longing, and the consummation of the same longing and madness by means of taking matters into his own hands, and literally plucking out from the face of the earth what had been bothering him for so long. Although not the most pleasant of activities, and certainly not the one people would resort to as a matter of routine or principle. But for the narrator, for the person who needed to put an end to this longing, this itch, this gap which need to be filled, it meant the world and more. It meant a sense of triumph. It indulged his senses and satisfied his itch for an irrational but complex need to fill up a gap in his inner being and sanctum. Despite the questionable ethical as well as moral tendency with which he proceeded in committing the crime, to him it was a necessary road to ease and fulfillment. A Poem As It Regards to the Tell Tale Heart True, people are kind and truer still, people are beautiful but beauty exists in fewer instances these days. In smaller and smaller and smaller packages. So come dearest, let us you and me — die

Burned by Ellen Hopkins Essay Example for Free

Burned by Ellen Hopkins Essay Ellen Hopkins wrote this novel about a girl who grew up in a Mormon household, and is beginning to think that this is not a lifestyle she wants for herself. With an abusive father, lazy and passive mother, and constant conflicts with the Mormon teachings and beliefs, she refuses to give in to that way of life. She refuses to ever become property to a husband who she is taught to â€Å"obey† or a baby producing machine. With her new resilience and want for a normal life, it angers her father. He sends her to live with his estranged sister for the summer, but what he doesn’t realize is that he’s giving her freedom and a chance to live. She learns to love and that life as she knew it was never a life meant for her. Hopkins’ book shows the life of a Mormon girl; Pattyn Scarlet Von Stratten. Pattyn is tired of the Mormon lifestyle and rebels against her family and the rules of her home and church. Her father spends most of the time drunk and angry and her mother has a whole household to take care of. After Pattyn gets in a fight and breaks a window, her family has had enough of her rebelling so they send her to live with her Aunt, out in the middle of nowhere, for the summer, so she can no longer get in trouble. It turns out that she has fun on her stay with her aunt, she learns how to drive and ride a horse, and meets the love of her life. She fell in love with Ethan, the son of her aunt’s friend. He is not Mormon and her father would kill the both of them if they were together. After returning home things start to go bad again. She mouths off to her father and gets beaten. She takes the rap for something her sister does, and gets beaten to save her sister. She also learns that she will have Ethan’s baby. Like all of Hopkins novels, Burned also has a tragic ending. Ethan and Pattyn get in a car wreck and she wakes up in the hospital to learn that she lost Ethan and her baby. In the end she says that God could not be love because love was a corpse, because she lost the love of her life, and the only thing remnant of him. The book leaves you with the vision of Pattyn sitting above a busy highway, about to take you own life. Burned by Ellen Hopkins. (2018, Oct 19).

Friday, September 13, 2019

History- World War I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

History- World War I - Essay Example From the many quantifiable losses of WWI we consider further some of the major impacts of the war as far as the civilian populace is concerned. First, the war created a major social and moral blow upon the society resulting to social disorders (Bourne, â€Å"Total War,† par. 62). Most of the European states involved in the war like Russia, Germany, and Italy experience social chaos. Political leaders are finding reasons for their failures and created oppositions from various sectors. The weak governments that were created after the war invited new ideologies to come out. The leaders and the populace are looking for identity which leads to the rise of ideologists that created totalitarian regimes in their desperate moves to control society and return the country to order. The rise of Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin are proof to this argument. The effects could have lasted if not for the eruption of another war as the consequence and the end to major autocratic regimes. The wars t hat erupted changed the perspective of the people against the use of power to resolve conflict and this effect lasted until now where the general public favors diplomatic resolutions against violence. These facilitated the birth of International Peace Organizations like the League of Nations, predecessor of the United Nations in the worlds attempt to control global order (Townshend, â€Å"The League of Nations.† Par. 1) The emotional trauma was equally important aftermath of WWI. This trauma is brought by deaths of fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, relatives and friends. However, the effects vanished or reduced in intensity as years passed as new generations replaced those who were directly involved in the war. But war memorials, which still stand until this time, served as reminders to mankind of the consequence of his actions. In the economic side, some countries gained while others losses. Much of Europe became economically burdened due to the cost of war including

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Corrections Trend Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corrections Trend Evaluation - Essay Example In analyzing the future philosophies of corrections it is important to distinguish between the federal and state level. States have legislative power and have been able to take much broader actions in reducing their prison populations. States generally will apply one of three philosophies; relocating inmates and the use of halfway housing or community detention, allowing inmate’s credit as time served for good behavior or participation in certain programs, and modifying criminal statutes and sentencing (United States Government Accountability Office,2012, p 32). Many federal sentences are mandatory minimum sentences with no parole as the Bureau of Prisons does not have the authority to modify the inmate’s sentence. They are also without authority to move federal inmates to community corrections or transfer them to local prisons or supervised release more so than what is federally allowed. Possible future actions that are being considered by the Bureau of Prisons at the federal level are several options that policy makers have begun to consider to address the crowding in the federal system. One option is to minimize and reduce the projected size of the inmate population by reforming current sentencing laws and allowing alternatives to incarceration while also providing the Bureau of Prisons greater flexibility in sentencing. A second option is to increase the capacity of the federal system, in essence keeping up with the demand and the projected growth of the demand by the construction of new prisons, increasing staffing levels, and contracting for increased private capacity. A third option is a combination of the first two and would likely be the most successful philosophy to utilize in order to negate and reduce many of the side effects of the current and projected overcrowding. It is estimated that 60% of federal inmates are non-violent offenders. The suggestion of some is that many of these are white collar crimes and instead of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Self Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Self Evaluation - Essay Example Then, I will come up with the possible strategies to implement them to ensure that I succeed. To successfully complete the program, I will have to be hard working. This is a very important goal that will make it much possible for me to move closer to my main objective. To be hard working means to spend my time doing what is expected of me. So, my strategy for implementing this goal is that most of my time will be spent warming books and other non-book reading materials that are available in the school library. It is only through reading and conducting of research that I will manage to grasp the content of all the subjects that I am currently studying (McClelland, 2003). Hard work will also encompass the initiative of personal studies, group work and consultations with my instructors, seniors and class mates. Hard work is a fundamental value for a good student because it can make it much possible for me to successfully complete the program and succeed. The other goal that will propel me to success is time management. As a student, I need to acknowledge the fact that time is one of the most valuable resources I have at my disposal. At no time should it be misused because, as the saying goes, ‘time wasted can never be recovered.’ To avoid any regrets, I will have to make the best of my time (Reiss, 2002). The first strategy for implementing this goal is through having a well planned personal time table. In my time table, I will have to allocate enough time for each and every activity that I will be doing on day to day basis. However, this will be in line with the general school schedule. If I do this, I will get time to read each and every subject without forgetting about any of them. The other strategy is that I will use is to be disciplined and strictly comply with my schedule at all times. The other goal for succeeding in this program is team work. As a student, I opted to spend my precious time to go to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The History of Sugar and Its Influence Assignment - 1

The History of Sugar and Its Influence - Assignment Example In seeking to integrate with such an understanding and leverage a further realization for how current society ingests larger and larger amounts of sugar, as well as the ways in which societal stakeholders can seek to lessen the impacts of sugar consumption, the August 2013 issue of National Geographic features a cover story that is entitled â€Å"Sugar (A Not so Sweet Love Story)†. The following analysis will seek to derail the discussion and summary of the analysis which the author performs. It is the hope of this student that such a summary will be useful in helping not only to understand the key points of the authors argument but also with regards to utilizing these understandings and prescriptions for a better life and an overall decrease in the level of obesity and health impacts that the consumption of too much sugar has been tied to. Firstly, the author traces the history of how sugar came to be introduced to the West and subsequently the remainder of the world. As with so many inventions and development in human history, the spread of Empire was ultimately the vehicles through which most of the world came to integrate with the consumption of sugar. The author indicates that era conquerors were the first to spread an awareness and appreciation for sugar and the lands that they conquered. In comparing to the spread of sugar throwing paint at a fan, the author discusses the way through which an appreciation of refined sugar and the means through which it can be added to see dishes and ingredients as a means of making things tastier, the author points to how the spread of sugar into the West was first evidenced around 500 B.C.E. him from this point, sugar production spread into much of the Western world and was incorporated into the diet of individuals; albeit to a much lesser degree that it is within the current ti me.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Foundation of Organisation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Foundation of Organisation - Coursework Example One major problem that arises due to first growth is poor coordination. With a huge workforce working for the organization and a lot of resources being utilised to ensure high productivity, there are high chances of poor coordination setting in. Although the company might record increased sales, this does not automatically mean that the company is becoming more profitable. The organization may in fact be spending more to achieve less. In this respect, there are chances that lack of proper coordination could lead to cash flow shortages, which at first may be subtle and easy to ignore but with time, expenses will start exceeding revenues at a higher pace with each new month of business growth.   Under this circumstance, the company then begins to haemorrhage and becomes less profitable. Although hiring more employees results in increased production, it could negatively affect its performance. This is mainly because as the number of employees increases, the company and its principles begin to loose touch with the key employees, most of whom are more experienced, well trained and are more depended on by the company. Such employees will suffer greatly from loss of job satisfaction, become demotivated and could even quit the company. Having many employees could also lead to unproductive divisions that could strain its profitability and performance. As they try to control increased business activities and increased employee base, the management could lose track of the business functions that are more essential and this directly impairs its performance. The other potential problem that fast growing firms could encounter as they grow is lack of proper business planning. This problem mainly arises because the decision to expand in such companies is driven by the desire for personal/company satisfaction and the need to take advantage of available business opportunities instead of economic analysis, market studies and sound financial evaluation. As a result of this, the management of the company will end up creating for themselves a challenge beyond their capability and experience. Because of the improper motivations, such firms end up making rash decisions and developing projects or buy machinery that may not necessarily increase the profitability and performance of the company. Such projects or machinery could block the ability of the company to develop more appropriate projects or purchase more effective machinery due to incompatibility with the rashly established projects or acquired machinery. It could even lead to incompletion of these projects due to the problem of underfunding and this will have used funds for setting up more appropriate projects. Question 2: Solutions Solutions to loss of clear insight into the performance of the business and its profitability The company’s management must ensure that all its undertakings aim at supporting the core activities of the business. This means that the company must ensure that all the acti vities of various functions are properly coordinated. Good governance also plays a great role in the success of companies experiencing fast growth. The management of the organization should see to it that good decisions are made and that policies created by management apply throughout the organization. The company should limit all new projects to those it has the capacity and experience of handling. If not, it should hire people who are experienced and competent enough to handle such projects. This solution is crucial in

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Product strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Product strategy - Case Study Example The following discussion seeks to implement the beverage, grocery, and baking industry pricing practices. The industry firms embark on a process of innovating and producing products that will achieve the desired responses. The IBIS World research report indicates that the companies present in the industry embark on customer-value oriented strategies in order to acquire their long-term goals and objectives (Stark, 2007). For example, Coca-Cola and Pepsi companies engage in the production of soft drinks in flavors best favored by different consumer groups. However, the companies embark on the use of credible pricing strategies in reflection to the market’s consumer needs. Notably, soft drinks manufacturers and grocery wholesalers engage in price-penetration strategy to ensure that their market segments grow competitively. The research study indicates that Coca Cola’s growth rate is overwhelming compared to its competitor, Pepsi that currently stands at a -1.7% (Ibis World Reports, 2014). On the other hand, retail and wholesale chains that grow, produce, and sale groceries an d baked products reveal similar pricing practices. For instance, Wal-Mart and ASDA retail stores have acquired profitable market segments and subsequent growth rates from the market due to the use of price-penetration strategies (Levin, & Kalal, 2003). The companies present in the food industry seems to implement similar objectives. For example, the companies realize that growth and diversification of investments remain a beneficial strategy since it enables businesses to enjoy economies of scale (Ibis World Reports, 2014). Asda Retail chains engage in market-penetration strategies and the use of low prices to increase their consumer-value responses. It is evident that the companies practice the use of high quality production practices to sell at medium prices to the customers (Levin, & Kalal, 2003). The

Saturday, September 7, 2019

God In You Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

God In You - Essay Example Dreams illuminate our lives; however, the peaks are higher than the imagination. Jeremiah feels a great joy to participate in God’s work in the hearts and lives of people. God keeps his servants humble and saves them from temptation and self-centeredness. The devotion should be continuous and constant. The commitment is for life; and our dreams should be greater than our memories. When disciples worry about the future and ask to see the Father, Jesus answers that the Father dwells in Him and He is acting on his behalf. Jesus told his disciples that all his words, the miracles he accomplished and all deeds are God’s actions, not His. Jesus Explains that his presence is not necessary, God’s work will continue and that they may even have greater accomplishment than Him. He urges them to look in the future and not look back. Even though Jesus’ hint that his disciples can do greater work may be blasphemous, he invokes their beliefs and faith. In fact, the promi se of doing greater work is linked to the coming of the Holy Spirit. However, Jesus had to leave for the Holy Spirit to come, which he clearly explained to his disciples. Therefore Jesus’ crucifixion, then ascension, was followed by the pouring of the Holy Spirit that becomes the third part of the Trinity. Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, â€Å"Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well, let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole† (NKJV, Acts 4: 8-10). Jesus advocates the importance of the spiritual over the material and the eternal over the temporal. â€Å"Then Jesus, being filled with the